Hrek : Mestersges Intelligencia rkezik |
Mestersges Intelligencia rkezik
::Hr:: 2006.04.30. 19:15
Akit eddig csak az AI megrstl val flelme tartott vissza a jtkfejlesztstl, az most mr nyugodtan elveheti a Dark Basic Pro-t, hiszen jv hnaptl rkezik a Dark AI!
A kiegszt segtsgvel knnyebb vlik majd az tvonalkeress, s intelligencival ruhzhatjuk fel jtkunk karaktereit.
A kieg tulajdonsgai (angol):
Path Finding - Flexible waypoint based path finding system that calculates a set of waypoints around all obstacles added to the AI system. Entities then use an A* algorithm to calculate a path between their position and destination. This means your entities should always use the shortest path between two points, no matter how complex the situation.
Teams - Provides 3 teams (enemy, friendly and neutral teams) to organise entities in the AI world. Neutral entities run away from combat, friendlies attack the player's enemies whilst enemies attack the player and his allies.
Autonomous Control - By default entities will automatically move about the world and react to events (e.g. Sounds) and other entities according to their team and aggressiveness.
Entity General Commands (automatic mode only) - Set the entity aggressiveness and restrictions by using commands such as 'Defend Point' or 'Patrol Path', the entity will then act in accordance with these restrictions.
Manual Control - Entities can optionally be set to manual control which allows the user to program their own responses to AI events.
Entity Specific Commands (manual mode only) - Get entity information with 'Get Current Target' and set the entity destination or look at point directly with 'Set Destination' and 'Look At' or 'Look At Target', the entity will create a path automatically to its destination and inform you when it's ready to fire.
Avoidance - Entities will automatically detect and avoid other entities in its way, you can also use an external physics/collision system to notify the AI system that an entity has collided with something to force it to avoid non-AI, non-static objects.
Zones - Add one or more zones to an entity that will trigger a response when an opposing team member enters it. Entities can be set to ignore people if they leave a zone or chase them until they can no longer see them.
Direct Integration - If using DarkBasic Professional 3D objects you can set the AI system to automatically move and turn your objects for you.
Not Limited To 3D - The internal system is based around a 2D top down view and allows you to create your own 2D avoidance shapes manually, allowing its use in any situation that can be represented with 2D shapes. Entities can also be added without an associated 3D object, with their AI modified position values available through 'Get Entity X' and 'Get Entity Z' to position your own entities.
Debugging Commands - A range of commands are available to display the internal state of the AI system, including displaying all waypoints and their connections, entity paths (calculated to avoid obstacles), obstacle bounds, AI events (e.g. Sounds) and entity view/hearing ranges.