Dark Physics Inf
::Hr:: 2006.05.06. 14:52
"Nhny hnapja a The Game Creators egy vadonat j, izgalmas
kiegszt csomagot fejleszt a DarkBasic Professional-hoz.
A 'Dark Physics' egy fantasztikus lehetsget knl, hogy kiegsztsd
fejlesztseidet egy magas kpessg AGEIA fizikai motorral, amivel
teljesen jra fogod rtelmezni eddigi jtkfejlesztsi
tapasztalataidat. Mostantl lehetsged addik r, hogy ugyanazt
a fizikt hasznld jtkodban, mint amit pl. az Unreal Tournament
2007-ben,Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter-ben,
Cellfactor-ben, s a Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends-ben hasznlnak
a profi fejlesztk."
Hamarosan lefordtom:
"Developing with Dark Physics brings you the potential to create exciting, immersive ground breaking games and completely change the whole gaming experience. Physics enables games to replace the repetitive predetermined motion with real interactions. So just like life, you never have the same experience twice. Buildings and landscapes are now massively destructible with extreme explosions of thousands of shards of glass and shrapnel that cause collateral damage; lifelike characters run, jump, block, tackle, swim or fly in remarkably natural lifelike ways; realistic smoke, fog and oozing fluids now react with characters, objects and entire physical environments. The possibilities are never ending.
Imagine a game that has explosions causing dust and collateral debris, spectacular weapons with unpredictable effects, cloth that drapes and tears, lush foliage that sways naturally when brushed against, dense smoke and fog that billow around objects in motion and massive interactive environments - all of this is possible when developing your games with Dark Physics.
The command set provided by Dark Physics has been developed with ease of use in mind while still allowing more advanced developers to take full control. It has everything you could possibly need to create awesome simulations with particles, fluids, cloth, vehicles and much more. It also allows you to take full advantage of the AGEIA PhysX processor: a specialized accelerator dedicated solely to delivering rich immersive physical gaming environments that is currently available from leading game system vendors such as Dell, Alienware and Falcon Northwest and soon from top card makers BFG and ASUS.

To support all of this extensive documentation has been provided with a thorough getting started guide, background information on all of the sections, a collection of tutorials that cover topics such as constructing a bridge, using joints, making machinery and creating tearable cloth. A reference section is also included detailing all of the commands and finally a collection of examples is provided showcasing effects that can be achieved when using Dark Physics.
Here is a simple example program that demonstrates how easy it is to integrate Dark Physics with your programs. It simply creates a stack of cubes and lets you fire spheres into it and see the reactions that take place. Don't worry about not understanding the commands - all of this and a great deal more is fully explained in the documentation supplied with Dark Physics.
phy start
sync on
sync rate 60
autocam off
make object box 1, 10, 0.5, 10
position object 1, 0, -0.25, 0
phy make rigid body static box 1
levels = 20
ID = 1
for y = 0 to levels
for x = 0 to levels - y
make object cube ID, 0.2
color object ID, rgb(rnd(255), rnd(255), rnd(255))
position object ID, (x + 0.5 * y) * 0.21 - 1.5, y * 0.21 + 0.1, 0
phy make rigid body dynamic box i
inc ID
next x
next y
position camera 0, 2, -4
if spacekey()
make object sphere ID, 0.6
position object ID, camera position x(), camera position y(), camera positionz()
phy make rigid body dynamic sphere ID
phy set rigid body velocity ID, 0, 3, 10
inc ID
phy update
Keep a look out for the new Dark Physics expansion pack for Dark Basic Professional coming soon."